plantillas para trabajar de pie

Insole for standing work


Do you spend many hours on your feet during your workday?
Do your feet hurt at the end of the day?
We tell you how to improve foot pain after a long working day, and which are the best insoles for working on your feet.



Why do my feet hurt at the end of the day?

There are many types of work.
Some we do sitting, in others you have both periods where you are sitting and periods where you have to walk moderately; in others physical activity and going from one place to another is the habit.
And we also have jobs where you spend the day standing, but not being able to go from one place to another and therefore not being able to move.
As for example the work that would perform in many cases a security guard.

Excesses are never good, whether on one side or the other.
It is not good to have excessive physical activity during your working day, as your muscles and bones suffer more wear and tear, nor is it good to have a working day in which you have to spend many hours on your feet without hardly moving. Immobility is the enemy of plantar health. These jobs with excessive physical activity or excessive immobility are the ones in which our feet suffer the most and cause the most foot pain at the end of the day.



Why do my feet hurt if I hardly walk at all during my working day?

Spending many hours on our feet without being able to walk is harmful to our health in general, and especially to the health of our feet.

We need the blood to circulate, our bones, muscles and tendons to exercise and do their work.
If we spend many hours standing in the same position, it is the same muscles, bones and tendons that are working, leaving little room for mobility and transfer of movement and energies between different parts of our body.

It is important to change position and to stretch and walk whenever possible.
We must be enemies of immobility and a sedentary lifestyle, even if it is for work-related reasons.



Why do my feet hurt after a long and intense working day?

We are what we eat, right?
We are also what we wear. Often we don’t pay attention to our feet, we think that as long as we wear fashionable shoes, it’s more than enough.
Without paying attention to all the signals that our body sends us to warn us that something is wrong.

It is normal for your feet to hurt occasionally.
If your feet always hurt at the end of the day, it is not usual, nor should it be.

When walking we distribute all the weight of our body in different parts of the sole of our feet.
Mainly we can distinguish 3 general zones, and they would be:

  • the metatarsal area, where the pads are located.
  • the area of the plantar fascia, which is the central area of the sole of the foot, between the pads and the heel.
  • the heel area, known to all and essential in our footprint


Why are we not walking correctly?

Our way of walking can produce foot pathologies, and different pathologies also modify our way of walking producing pain.
Not walking correctly and suffering from foot pain are directly related.

And we may not walk correctly for different reasons:

  • Suffering from foot pathologies such as calcaneal spurs, plantar fasciitis, metatarsalgia, bunions, Morton’s neuroma, etc.
  • Wearing unsuitable footwear that does not provide the necessary support.
  • Not distributing our weight correctly when walking and not using insoles for this purpose.
  • Carrying one part of our foot more than others

Wearing the right footwear and, if necessary, the right Insole that allows a correct distribution of weight when walking, is essential to avoid pain and future pathologies.



What Insole for standing work are available on the market?

There are different insoles to work standing on the market.
Mostly they are gel or comfort insoles, in which the aim is for the foot to rest, to have a layer of comfort and cushioning between your foot and the ground.

But you also have available the new Smou standing insoles. They are a unique solution in the market.
In addition to the convenience and comfort of gel insoles, we add the patented design with which you will get a correct footprint, whether walking or standing for many hours without moving.

As we have already mentioned, the correct distribution of our body weight on the soles of our feet is essential to avoid foot pain, either due to excessive activity or immobility while standing.

Smou insoles have been designed after years of work in the orthopedic practice of their creator.
Its design is suitable for all types of feet, flat, cavus or normal. And the manufacturing materials make Smou a unique insole with which you will achieve good plantar health without sacrificing the convenience and comfort that your feet need on a daily basis.


What are the best Insole for working while standing?

The best insoles for working while standing are going to be the ones that work for you.
Every person is different.
Our feet are unique, although it is true that 90% of foot pain is mainly due to metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis or heel spurs. Apart from suffering from any of these pathologies, not walking correctly is the most common cause of foot pain.

With the Insole to work standing Smou, you will get a correct weight distribution when walking and your footprint will be adequate, eliminating in most cases foot pain .

Consultation in Click on this link to find your nearest pharmacy with a Smou point of sale, or order them online from our website!
If you want to know how people who have already tried Smou templates have done, check out our reviews on Google.

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