artrosis de rodilla: cómo aliviar el dolor

KNEE ARTHROSIS: How to relieve the pain


Knee osteoarthritis has no cure but there is a solution to reduce pain. We tell you all about it in this post! Knee osteoarthritis: How to relieve the pain.



What is osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease that affects the mobile joints of the body. The cartilage that allows the union between two bones loses its elasticity and cushioning capacity, causing stiffness, joint pain and functional disability.

It is the most common rheumatic disease, and should be differentiated from arthritis, often confused.
Arthritis also causes joint pain and stiffness, swelling and tenderness.
But the difference between the two diseases lies in the fact that arthritis has an autoimmune origin, meaning that it is our own cells that cause the damage.
On the other hand, osteoarthritis is caused by wear and tear and inflammation.




What is osteoarthritis of the knee?

When we talk about knee osteoarthritis, we are referring to the inflammation of the cartilage and joint that allows mobility in the knee area.
As you probably know, the knees support an important part of our body and our daily mobility, they are essential for walking.
That is why it tends to be a frequent area of occurrence of osteoarthritis.
And because of its importance and necessary mobility in our daily life, osteoarthritis of the knee is especially annoying and considerably affects our quality of life and well-being in our daily lives.

It is therefore very important that we become aware and put the tools that are in our hand to prevent the onset of osteoarthritis of the knee.
Being aware that age is a fundamental factor that plays against us, but trying to lead a healthy and active lifestyle that reduces or delays the onset of this pathology.



Causes that favor its appearance

Osteoarthritis has an important genetic component, although it is not a hereditary disease.
Therefore, lifestyle, among other aspects, will be key to the development or not of the pathology.
Poor posture, lack of physical exercise, obesity, sedentary lifestyles and excessive practice of certain sports have a negative effect, favoring the appearance of osteoarthritis.

In the case of osteoarthritis of the knee, impact sports on hard surfaces are the most involved in its appearance, due to the overload suffered by the knee area in this type of sport.
For example, running, soccer, or basketball.

On the other hand, other sports such as swimming or cycling are not at all harmful for this ailment.
On the contrary, especially swimming or water sports are recommended for people with osteoarthritis, since moderate, non-impact sports practice also helps to improve muscular capacity, flexibility and coordination.
And these aspects contribute positively to the fact that the articular cartilage suffers less.

Considering that the onset of osteoarthritis of the knee is due to wear and tear and inflammation in the area, with advanced age as an important component, it is clear that our daily habits and lifestyle influence the possible appearance or not of this common disease.




Knee osteoarthritis: how to relieve the pain

Neither osteoarthritis nor arthritis can be cured, but we do have within our reach therapies that will help reduce the pain and allow us to carry on with our daily lives.

To relieve the pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee, we recommend:

  • Perform gentle, moderate exercise.
    For example, walk 15 to 20 minutes a day, ride a bicycle or do swimming or aquagym.
  • Avoid sudden movements, carrying weight, and do not strain your joints.
  • Watch your diet and avoid being overweight.
    It is crucial so that your joints do not support more weight than adequate.
  • Apply heat or cold to the area, no more than 30 minutes a day.
  • Wear appropriate footwear.
    Comfortable and flexible, but with adequate support and grip.




Insole to alleviate pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee

We have already seen that comfortable footwear with adequate support is important to relieve the pain caused by osteoarthritis of the knee. Sometimes we need an insole to complement this proper grip in the shoe.

At this point we would like to talk about the Smou Insole, since many of our customers have told us that they are really effective to avoid knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. Why is this?

Well, having the foot properly supported avoids micro-movements of the knee when walking, and this prevents the joint from suffering, thus avoiding inflammation and pain.

Smou Insole is designed for all types of feet, whatever your shape, and covers the 3 pathologies that cause 90% of foot pain(metatarsalgia, heel spurs and plantar fasciitis).
Its manufacturing materials make it unique in the market, and have already helped thousands of people so that foot pain is not present in their daily lives.

If shoes and a healthy lifestyle are not enough and you want to eliminate knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, try Smou!
After all the feedback from our customers, we can assure you that they are really effective.

We leave you with a video of Clara, the creator of the Insole, in which she explains why they are effective for osteoarthritis of the knee.

If you have any doubts, you can contact Clara directly in the chat that we have active on our website.




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