plantillas para metatarsalgia

Insole for Metatarsalgia


Inflammation of the metatarsals is one of the most common conditions in terms of causes of foot pain.
If you suffer from metatarsalgia, you probably already know what kind of pain we are referring to.
But what exactly is metatarsalgia and how can metatarsal pain be relieved?
Are there metatarsalgia insoles that can help relieve or eliminate pain in the sole of the foot?
Let’s see what metatarsalgia is, what causes it and what treatments are available to reduce or eliminate the pain produced by this pathology.



What is metatarsalgia?


Metatarsalgia is the inflammation of the metatarsal area or metatarsal heads, between the tarsus and the toes, on the sole of the foot.
The pain most commonly occurs between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal head, but can occur in the heads of all 5 toes.
Although metatarsalgia is not a serious condition, it can affect your day-to-day life by causing constant pain in the sole of the foot, just behind the toes. This pain becomes more intense when standing, walking or running, especially on hard surfaces (and especially if you go barefoot on these surfaces).

Throughout our lives, we walk, run and move every day; some people more and others less, but we all engage in some physical activity on a regular basis.
When we walk or run, our feet are responsible for supporting all the weight of our body.
And on the sole of the foot, the load of our weight is distributed in a correct way, for a proper tread and grip.
But the reality is that this is not always the case.
We have imperfect feet and other conditions or characteristics in our body that make our footprint and weight distribution is not always correct.

With the passage of time, and especially an incorrect distribution of our weight when walking, causes the metatarsal heads to wear out more, favoring their inflammation and the appearance of metatarsalgia if this inflammation becomes frequent.



Causes favoring the appearance of metatarsalgia


With the passage of time and the wear and tear of our body, we cannot do many things except take care of ourselves and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
But there are other characteristics that favor the appearance of metatarsalgia that we can avoid.
Some of the causes are:

  • Overweight. If we are overweight, our body has to exert more effort in everything.
    When walking, it also has to bear more weight than perhaps it should.
    Joints suffer, and so do the soles of our feet (among other parts of our body).
  • Having cavus feet or foot deformities, which cause an incorrect distribution of our body weight on the sole of the foot.
    People with cavus feet carry much more weight on the front part of the foot, so it is also more likely to have metatarsalgia problems.
  • Use of high heels or narrow shoes. High heels are very pretty, but not at all comfortable.
    And at this point it is no longer a question of comfort, but of wearing the right shoes so as not to have foot problems in the medium term.
    The use of high heels is the cause of several pathologies that cause foot pain, including metatarsalgia.
  • Intense and prolonged physical activity, especially on hard surfaces, with poorly cushioned footwear, and in impact sports.
  • Morton’s neuroma. With symptoms very similar to those of metatarsalgia, it can also cause tension in the metatarsal, promoting inflammation and pain in the area.



Tips to relieve pain caused by metatarsalgia

  Metatarsalgia cannot be cured, but its symptoms can be greatly alleviated:

  • Apply ice and cold to the area to relieve momentary pain and help reduce inflammation.
  • Performing exercises and stretching
  • Use Inoles to alleviate pain in the area, and also that you walk correctly and perform a correct distribution of weight on the sole of the foot.
  • Use of appropriate footwear, which allows the correct distribution of all the weight on the sole of the foot.
    With an adequate sole that is comfortable, and wide at the front, so that you do not have tight toes and you can walk properly.



Insole for Metatarsalgia


One of the options, and perhaps the most important, when it comes to reducing the pain caused by metatarsalgia, is the use of metatarsalgia Inoles. The most important things to keep in mind when buying metatarsalgia Inoles are:

  1. That the Insole will allow you to distribute your weight correctly when walking. That you do not load or force more one part of the foot or another.
    That your stride and load distribution are correct when walking and putting your feet on the ground.
  2. In the metatarsal area, they should be especially soft and comfortable. It is the area where you have pain, and you suffer it when you bend your foot when you walk or run.
    Having a surface that provides cushioning will reduce the load on the metatarsal heads and therefore will not swell, reducing your pain.

There are two aspects that you should take into account when looking for the right metatarsal insoles for you: correct load distribution when walking, and a surface that provides extra cushioning in the metatarsal area on the sole of the foot.


Types of Insole for Metatarsalgia

Inoles for metatarsalgia can be custom-made by an orthopedist, or you can try some of the standard Inoles available on the market, although these are usually not specific for metatarsalgia problems, but for foot pain in general.

At this point we would like to talk about Smou, halfway between the custom-made Insole manufactured by an orthopedist, and the standard Insole; but in this case, specially designed for the most common pathologies that cause pain in the feet.
Smou Inoles are manufactured after years of orthopedic practice, following the correction patterns of most of our patients’ pathologies.
Therefore, they are effective in 90% of the cases and have been tested in the orthopedic office before being launched to the market.

They are specially designed for problems of:

  • Metatarsalgia
  • Calcaneal spur
  • Plantar fasciitis

They allow a correct support of the sole of the foot, favoring an adequate distribution of the load, and the support they incorporate in the metatarsal area will relieve the pain you suffer in this area when walking or running.

If you want to know what other metatarsalgia sufferers who have tried Smou have to say, we recommend you visit our Google reviews.

And then, we leave you with a video in which Clara, Smou’s founder, explains what metatarsalgia is and how you can alleviate the pain caused by this pathology.




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