dolor en la planta del pie

Pain in the sole of the foot. Causes and recommendations.


Do you have pain in the sole of your foot?
You’re in the right post!
We will analyze the main causes for which pain can appear in the sole of the foot, and how we can reduce or eliminate this pain depending on the pathology that is present.


Pathologies and diseases causing pain in the sole of the foot

The main pathologies and diseases that can cause pain and discomfort in the soles of our feet are:

  • Metatarsalgia: metatarsalgia is caused by inflammation of the metatarsals.
    That is, inflammation of the metatarsal heads: on the sole of the foot, the area below the toes.
  • Plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that runs across the sole of the foot, from the heel to the metatarsals (under the toes).
    It connects the heel bone to the toes, thus maintaining the plantar arch and absorbing the energy produced by each step.
    When this band of tissue becomes inflamed, it causes what is known as plantar fasciitis.
  • Calcaneal Spur. It is a calcification that forms irregularly around the heel bone, in a triangular or hook shape.
    It usually produces an intense pain in the heel, with pinching in the internal part.
    The pain appears because the surrounding area is inflamed.
    It worsens with weight and movement, and as you walk.



Causes of metatarsalgia

Among the most common causes of metatarsalgia are:

  • Foot deformities or certain foot shapes that cause inadequate weight distribution on the sole of the foot.
  • Excess weight
  • Inadequate footwear
  • Having Morton’s neuroma
  • Intense physical exercise, especially in impact sports.


Causes of plantar fasciitis

The most common causes of plantar fasciitis are:

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Use of inappropriate footwear
  • Having cavus or valgus feet
  • Practicing high-impact sports on hard surfaces


Causes of heel spurs

As for calcaneal spurs, the most common causes of their appearance are:

  • Having flat or cavus feet
  • Use of inappropriate footwear
  • Overweight
  • Age
  • Rheumatic diseases (gout, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.)
  • Excessive physical exercise or exercise on hard surfaces



As you can see, most of the causes of any of these 3 pathologies have their origin mainly in:

  • An inadequate shape of our plantar arch (cavus or flat feet).
  • The use of inappropriate footwear that does not provide sufficient support and grip.
  • Excessive impact sports on hard surfaces

We cannot change the shape of our plantar arch (unless this deformity is very severe and we have to undergo surgery), but we can eliminate or reduce the rest of the situations that cause pain in the sole of the foot.



How to eliminate or improve metatarsal pain in the sole of the foot caused by metatarsalgia

Here are some tips to relieve pain in the sole of the foot caused by metatarsalgia:

  • Rest and apply ice to the area.
    Rest is always effective against any inflammation in an area that is usually in continuous movement.
  • Use metatarsal pads or Insole for metatarsalgia
  • Wear appropriate footwear.
    This means forgetting heels and narrow-toed shoes or slippers.
  • Take an analgesic to help reduce pain in the area.
    Always under medical prescription.



How to eliminate or improve pain in the sole of the foot caused by plantar fasciitis

To eliminate pain in the sole of the foot caused by plantar fasciitis, we recommend:

  • Perform stretching of the sole and the posterior musculature of the legs.
  • Wear shoes with some height in the heel (0.5 cm), heel lifts or heel cushions.
  • Use insoles that accompany the arch with each step, reducing, not limiting, its mobility.
  • Massage the sole of the foot with cold rollers and warm up the musculature in the morning before putting the foot on the ground: massage with heat creams.
  • If fasciitis affects the heel, use insoles or heel cushions that provide good relief.
  • In severe cases, the use of a night boot is recommended to avoid muscle shortening at rest.



How to eliminate or improve pain in the sole of the foot caused by heel spurs

  • Perform foot exercises and stretching
  • Use Insole to loosen the plantar fascia and improve heel relief.
  • Analgesics to reduce inflammation in the area.
    Always under medical prescription.
  • Use of appropriate footwear.
    It should not be excessively hard, should grip the foot correctly, and should also allow you to distribute your weight correctly when walking.
    You can complement the footwear with suitable insoles.


All the improvements for these pathologies to stop producing pain in the sole of the foot involve the use of appropriate footwear, and/or specific insoles. In the end, you have to think that it is all about a correct support of your foot when walking.
No part of your foot should exert more effort than it should, and no area should bear more load than it should.

Smou Inoles are specially designed for this purpose: whatever your pathology, they will allow you to have your foot correctly supported and to align all the loads on your body correctly.

This is why they are so effective in eliminating pain in the sole of the foot caused by metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis or heel spurs.

The “how” we have been able to achieve this is quite simple: after many years of treating foot pathologies in our orthopedic practice.
In the end, human beings are not so different from each other.
And although we may go to the orthopedist for apparently different reasons and pains, 90% of our foot pain is caused by one of these pathologies.

If you want to eliminate pain in the sole of your foot, you can buy the Smou Insole on our website, at your nearest pharmacy, or on Amazon.

Before you buy them, check out our customer reviews.
Smou templates are effective, not because we say so or because of our experience: our customers say so.

Either way, always remember to take care of your feet!
They will be with you all your life and you need them every day.

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